Sunday, August 30, 2009

Teachers Trapped in Trailers...

Florida’s education system is not producing the quality and quantity of graduates required
to ensure that it has the high quality leadership, workforce, and citizenry needed to sustain a
vibrant economy and society.
• Three out of ten ninth graders drop out and do not attain a high school diploma.
• Of the seven ninth graders who will later graduate from high school, only four will enter a
college or university degree program. Forty percent of those students will require
• Over 13,000 high school seniors did not have the skills and knowledge to attain a passing
score on the FCAT in 2003.
• High quality career education opportunities are limited for those six out of ten high school
students who do not graduate from high school or attend postsecondary education.

1 comment:

Rick Kilby said...

Keep the posts coming... The content is excellent!